Modern Slavery Statement for Primary Carers 247 (Homecare) Ltd
At Primary Carers 247 (Homecare) Ltd, we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of ethical conduct and integrity in our operations. We recognise the importance of preventing modern slavery and human trafficking in our services and supply chains. This statement outlines our approach to ensuring that we are compliant with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and reflects our commitment to transparency and accountability.
Organisational Structure
Primary Carers 247 (Homecare) Ltd is a registered homecare agency that provides personalised care services to individuals in their homes. We are dedicated to promoting dignity and respect for our service users and all individuals in our employment and supply chains. Our agency operates in Lancashire, serving a diverse range of service users, including elderly individuals, those with disabilities, and others requiring assistance.
Commitment to Preventing Modern Slavery
- Zero Tolerance Policy: We have a strict zero-tolerance policy towards modern slavery and human trafficking. We are committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships and to creating a culture of transparency across our operations.
- Risk Assessment: We conduct regular assessments of our supply chains and service providers to identify potential risks of modern slavery. We evaluate the practices of our suppliers and partners to ensure they align with our values and policies.
- Supply Chain Due Diligence: We engage with suppliers and contractors to ensure they understand our commitment to preventing modern slavery. We require them to confirm that they comply with all relevant laws and regulations. We also assess their operations to ensure ethical practices are being enforced.
- Policies and Procedures: Our anti-modern slavery policies are integrated into our recruitment processes, and training programs. We provide our staff with guidance on identifying the signs of modern slavery and the steps to take if they suspect any wrongdoing.
- Training and Awareness: We conduct regular training sessions for our employees, particularly those in management and supervision roles, on identifying risks related to modern slavery. This training includes information on how to report concerns and support victims.
- Reporting Mechanisms: We have established clear reporting mechanisms for employees and stakeholders to raise concerns or report any incidents of suspected modern slavery or human trafficking. All reports will be taken seriously, and we will investigate them promptly.
- Monitoring and Review: We monitor the effectiveness of our policies and procedures on preventing modern slavery regularly, making adjustments as necessary to ensure continuous improvement. We will review our Modern Slavery Statement annually and update it accordingly.
Primary Carers 247 (Homecare) Ltd is dedicated to conducting business ethically and responsibly, ensuring that we do not contribute to modern slavery in any form. We recognise that preventing modern slavery is an ongoing effort, and we are committed to working with our employees, service users, and suppliers to ensure a safe, respectful, and ethical environment for all.
This statement is made pursuant to the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and will be reviewed and updated regularly as part of our commitment to ensuring the highest ethical standards in our agency and operations.