The quality of our team is the key to our success. We strongly believe face to face practical in-depth training is imperative so that each candidate can reach their full potential. The comprehensive mandatory training they receive contributes highly to the level of service all our clients receive and associate with Primary Carers 24/7.

All our training is delivered in our fully equipped training suite with our accredited trainer who has over twenty years of experience in healthcare.

The trainer ensures all new candidates are assigned to our three day in-depth training programme that is up to date with Skills for Care with annual updates. Our trainer initially teaches theory then demonstrates all the technical, practical manoeuvres with equipment to carry out specific roles. The theory of the methods and when to apply them is taught through a series of interactive activities that simply could not be taught online.

Having years of experience our trainer brings key pointers that may seem minor in the training room however when applied in a healthcare setting makes all the difference.

This ensures each candidate can observe and apply accurate and practical application of a manoeuvre; observations are a vital learning tool. Our trainer demonstrates each manoeuvre needed whilst verbally explaining each step.

Using the knowledge of what they have been taught each candidate then practices each manoeuvre till they are fully competent and flexible to successfully perform each manoeuvre under the supervision of the trainer.

An assessment is then given to ensure each candidate is competent enough to perform manoeuvres when required to do so within a healthcare scenario. Our three day training programme not only teaches theory and practical, it includes separate assessments for each and an assessment for both together.

This bridges the gap between theory and physical application allowing the candidate to understand which is appropriate for each scenario and how much is applicable to a scenario. We offer this training course upon request to external clients.


All our team undergo annual mandatory training updates that are designed to cover the essential requirements of Skills for Care in line with CQC requirements.

  • Health and Safety
  • Moving and Handling
  • Information Governance – Caldicott Principles
  • Fire & Safety
  • Equality & Diversity
  • Infection Control
  • Food Hygiene
  • Basic Life Support
  • First Aid Awareness
  • Slips, Trips and Falls
  • Safeguarding Vulnerable Children (Level 1& 2)
  • Protection of Vulnerable Adults / Mental Capacity Act
  • Complaints Handling
  • Conflict Management
  • Lone Worker
  • First Response
  • Violence and Aggression
  • SBAR
  • Safety Signs
  • Fitness to Practise
  • Exposure Prone Procedures
  • Work Equipment / Plant
  • Spillages of Body Fluids
  • Accidents and Incidents (RIDDOR)
  • Mobile Plant
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • Working at Height
  • Asbestos
  • Occupational Health
  • Sharps
  • Portable Appliance Testing


We can offer online training courses using an accredited training provider should that be required. All the modules covered include the mandatory requirements as per the link below.


Primary Carers 24/7, the greatest hallmark of our success is the satisfaction of our clients and candidates. The entire team endeavour to deliver care with dignity, equality and respect striving towards raising standards in health and social care.

Our service is based on a person-centred approach to care which is maintained by the enthusiasm and devotion of our team. This ensures both our team and clients are rewarded with an enjoyable and fulfilling place to live and work.

All of our team are given firsthand in depth practical training in our training suite. This makes us fully aware of their skills and capabilities, ensuring we provide all the support needed for each candidate to be fully capable and confident to reach their goals.

We believe our sensitive, caring team provides all the support, motivation and encouragement that’s needed. Our achievements are the combined effort of each individual team member’s passion, commitment and quality of care. The dedication of our team is the foundation of our success.